Long time not post anything. Lately i'm super lazy to blogging >o<
Many things have happened since months ago, i just thinking it's time for us to open our heart of friendship..
Honestly, i pissed with this recent friendship.. A lot lot of problems showed up that will affect us in future.
Then, me & Jes decided to write a diary (yeah we're seperate by island so what?) and we planned, every 1 weeks i will sent the book to Medan and every 3 weeks Jes will sent the book back to m at Jakarta. This book just like our old diary which filled with our stories and jokes and moods. But this new one i would like to allow some new-good-friends i met months ago to share their stories of life too, i mean this one isn't limited to GG's members..
I put some old and new photos to the book, just cant wait to receive the book next month ^^
Yen Lee