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1 Bestfriend IS More Important Than 100 Friends

>> Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Am I got it wrong?? xD

So days ago we started discussing what costume we gonna wear next year and Me&Jes already make decision. Now, waiting for the males' decision. Cant wait to have fun together next holiday~

Oh btw the title have nothing to do with the content XD



>> Wednesday, September 26, 2012

hello meet my zouis~
da lama ngk update blog.. mpe lupa w cara pakeny ==a

any way, zouis say hello to everyone


I Mean It

>> Sunday, September 23, 2012

Long time not post anything. Lately i'm super lazy to blogging >o<

Many things have happened since months ago, i just thinking it's time for us to open our heart of friendship..
Honestly, i pissed with this recent friendship.. A lot lot of problems showed up that will affect us in future. 

Then, me & Jes decided to write a diary (yeah we're seperate by island so what?) and we planned, every 1 weeks i will sent the book to Medan and every 3 weeks Jes will sent the book back to m at Jakarta. This book just like our old diary which filled with our stories and jokes and moods. But this new one i would like to allow some new-good-friends i met months ago to share their stories of life too, i mean this one isn't limited to GG's members..

I put some old and new photos to the book, just cant wait to receive the book next month ^^

Yen Lee


Circle of Friends

>> Wednesday, July 4, 2012

We were made to love and be loved
But the price this world demands
Would cost us far too much
I spent so many lonely years just trying to fit in
Now I've found my place in this circle of friends

If you weep, I will weep with you
If you sing for joy the rest of us
Will lift our voices too
But no matter what you feel inside there's no need to pretend
That's the way it is in this circle of friends

We people, at least ever felf left over by our other friends.. Yes, they are our friends, but not our bestfriends.. A bestfriends is someone who never will left you aside, you are always he/she/their first priority..  First i felt like i got a bestfriends is when i'm at junior highschool, her name is Susi. A very kind and very very very patient girl i've ever meet until now! We have same hobbies, sometimes have same stories, ideas etc.. Then i meet again in the same class with Jesse.. Then Meg too, she joined us..

Time we spent together was too precious! I can act like i am, they also did.. But the Senior highschool separate us.. Me, Jes and Meg in the same class but Susi's no :( she also choose different mayor from us too so we totally separated.. Only sometimes we meet we talked; for a little time..

Wish i can have a long & good chat with her again if i have time.. Ofcourse its better if Jes and Meg join ;)

Nostalgic mode :p
Yen Lee


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