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I Wish

>> Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No doubt i have many good friends; Jesse, Meg, Erlyana, Porksen, Huang, Fung, Ben, Nyonk, and Fincit.
But really our frindship can really last longer and longer?

Kinda feel some of us have separated away, some with their own activities, works, studies, and their new friends.. Thing i wanna say here is not about possesive things in our friendyacht,, but how we act.. Honestly, the only highschool /juniorHS friends that still in contact with me everyday is Jesse only. How many homework and how many work she has, we still mssge each other.. Sometimes chat with Porksen and Meg..

How about the others??
-. Like wind blown away.. I just really missed my schooldays back then, not just for sometimes, but everyimes everyday.. how we spend our times together, we played together, we troublesome we were to our teachers, etc etc.. Not only missing Jesse, but the 8 others ARE too important much for me.

But now, even i texted them sometimes, with some words they texted me back and no reply again.. This sort of habit make me lazy and lazier to start the chat..
You know? Like one way communication, blablabla..
I'm not blamming or anything, there's sky above sky; and there's much better friends you have than us. Just one, appreciate when your friends when they still care about you. They always open their hands to help u anytime, to ready for you any moment, and for you people who just coming to your friends when you need them, i think you should be grateful enough they still care you..
Treasure your friends like you treasure your precious other treasure..

happy night my yatcher,
Yen Lee



>> Monday, June 18, 2012

finally today isa da day...

i get lonely becouse yenlee take an exam ToT



>> Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tomorrow im going to bring my hamster at my work so i can feed them milk... kyaa  //>o<//


The Prayer

>> Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Last night i got text from Jess telling she was sick.

GWS Jesse, i feel imcomplete without you XDD lol

Yen Lee


Introduction : Yen Lee

>> Saturday, June 2, 2012

Well, so this blog dedicated for my friendyatch ( since domain friendship or friendcruise were already taken by others :p ) with my friends especially Jesse.

We noticed since the highschool graduation, our paces and activities bring us futher every moments. Like, stories or dreams or miscellaneous things i wanna share with them though i'm far away from them and of course i, myself want my friends keep sharing and no-miscommunication between all of us. 

Me, as one of the writer of this blog, willing tell alot of stories frow now on. XD
A little introduction from me:
I'm Yenlee. 22 yo this year. I studies on capital of Indonesia; Jakarta. And chose Interior Design major. My hometown is Medan, a lovely city with people i love and a lotsss of delicious foods XD I'm not too good in English so pardon if someone read my posts cant really get what i wanna tell ≧﹏≦
I like : Anime&Manga, Interior Design, Chocolate, Cats, Money, Ball-Jointed Doll, and Photography
I'm not an externalist people that can get friendly immediatelly with anyone. But if there's good people and really want be my friend i will accept them happilly. I really hate someone thinking i can be used, and so no no no if you wanna stab me from behind, i can do double the same thing for you. But no means i'm scary people, really XD~ i treat you how you treat me. That's all.

Btw, i've been friend with Jess almost 10 years. Hahaha..
Jess & Me

Friends Forever (з´⌣`ε) , 
Yen Lee


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This is a joined-blog of Yen Lee and Jesse.
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