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Introduction : Yen Lee

>> Saturday, June 2, 2012

Well, so this blog dedicated for my friendyatch ( since domain friendship or friendcruise were already taken by others :p ) with my friends especially Jesse.

We noticed since the highschool graduation, our paces and activities bring us futher every moments. Like, stories or dreams or miscellaneous things i wanna share with them though i'm far away from them and of course i, myself want my friends keep sharing and no-miscommunication between all of us. 

Me, as one of the writer of this blog, willing tell alot of stories frow now on. XD
A little introduction from me:
I'm Yenlee. 22 yo this year. I studies on capital of Indonesia; Jakarta. And chose Interior Design major. My hometown is Medan, a lovely city with people i love and a lotsss of delicious foods XD I'm not too good in English so pardon if someone read my posts cant really get what i wanna tell ≧﹏≦
I like : Anime&Manga, Interior Design, Chocolate, Cats, Money, Ball-Jointed Doll, and Photography
I'm not an externalist people that can get friendly immediatelly with anyone. But if there's good people and really want be my friend i will accept them happilly. I really hate someone thinking i can be used, and so no no no if you wanna stab me from behind, i can do double the same thing for you. But no means i'm scary people, really XD~ i treat you how you treat me. That's all.

Btw, i've been friend with Jess almost 10 years. Hahaha..
Jess & Me

Friends Forever (з´⌣`ε) , 
Yen Lee


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This is a joined-blog of Yen Lee and Jesse.
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